Galileo changed the world. GALILEI will change how people live.
Bringing innovation to “food lifelines” that connect production areas with the dining table.
In a time when belief in geocentrism was the accepted norm, Galileo Galilei advocated heliocentrism.
His scientific findings would eventually turn accepted wisdom on its head, and he came to be known as the “Father of Astronomy”.
At the GALILEI Group, what we value most is the ability to “generate ideas without being a slave to conventional thinking and stay steadfast to see matters through to completion” as Galileo Galilei did.
Choosing food as our field, without which humans could not survive, we are taking on the challenge of furthering global development of cold chains (refrigerated distribution systems) and new areas of business.
Utilizing the freezing and refrigeration technology that we have amassed thus far and drawing upon the expertise of Group members, we will transform “global eating”.
The ability to refrigerate is the ability to sustain life.
Keeping fresh life, fresh.
Making delicious food even more delicious.
Delivering this delicious food to consumers throughout the world.
In order to harness the power of food ingredients and nurture people's lives, we will continue to evolve hip technology.
Brand Story
The capacity for scientific and rational thinking is vital as it enables us to question things, even things that may appear obvious and are visible, generating ideas and leading to inventions and discoveries.
Galileo was able to discover heliocentrism because of his capacity to make rational deductions based on observation.
Moving forward, what the GALILEI Group will value most is its ability to “generate ideas without being a slave to conventional thinking” just as Galileo Galilei did, create new things, things that no one has ever done before, have the Group work in unison, carrying matters through to completion with clear thinking and conviction, and deliver the joy of food to people throughout the world, enriching people's lives.
Launching MILAB, a base for food innovation that will “open up the future”
Coinciding with the GALILEI Group taking a new step forward, corporate headquarters has relocated. The new headquarters building has a total of 8 floors, with offices located on Floors 3 to 7. On Floors 1, 2, and 8 we are launching “MILAB”—open innovation bases for connecting people with people, people with technologies, and technologies with technologies. MILAB will bring together not only members of the GALILEI Group but also companies in different industries, as well as universities, research institutions, entrepreneurs, and others for the purpose of generating ideas and technologies that currently do not exist in the world. Towards a place where new value is created through unprecedented “connections”
1FSpace for experiencing cutting-edge technologies
MILAB Kitchen
This kitchen area brings together not only FUKUSHIMA GALILEI products but also various machines and systems made by kitchen equipment manufacturers. By actually using this equipment, it is possible to create new menu items and software. Installation of centralized piping units (UDS) and ceiling ventilation systems enables Machine to be swapped in and out of the kitchen area so that it can be used for visualizing kitchen operations.
MILAB Food Factory Laboratory
This laboratory is installed with 6 Tunnel Freezers®, which are used in mass production at food factories, etc., enabling testing to be carried out using actual machines. Here we create one-of-a-kind custom-made freezers in collaboration with clients who are considering purchasing our products. We do this using various processes, including testing based on actual production processes and tests to improve cooling/freezing speed.
MILAB Food Laboratory/Product Testing Laboratory
These laboratories scientifically verify and evaluate analyses that examine the tastiness, safety, and nutritional value of food ingredients. We also provide comprehensive support for the customer's own inspection facilities, including analytical equipment. Utilizing various data and sensory evaluations, we support the production activities of our customers.
MILAB Bakery
This kitchen brings together the latest kitchen equipment designed to meet specialized bakery and patisserie requirements. These facilities can be used for developing new menu items as well as having testing fermentation/firing/cooling/freezing functions, making it easier for customers to select the model that best suits their needs. The kitchen also conducts bakery/patisserie training sessions and study groups in which participants learn while observing the cooking process.
MILAB Seminar Room
This seminar room with a seating capacity of 63 people is connected to the MILAB kitchen through a two-way door of a pass-through equipment. Inside the room WANNE (water supply drainage sleeve boxes) and centralized piping units (UDS) that make it easy to switch equipment in and out are provided, enabling the latest devices to be brought into the room for seminars.
The store provides next-generation store experiences and can recreate in-office micro stores in which experiments are being conducted. Equipped with FUKUSHIMA GALILEI's latest showcases, the store enables verification of next-generation retail store systems such as customer purchasing analysis and cashless settlement.
2FA base where new products and businesses are created
MILAB Office
This incubation office supports start-up companies that are on the point of launching food-related businesses. Not only can the space be used as a satellite office, it can also be used as a base for product development using MILAB facilities such as the MILAB Kitchen. By providing assistance through both MILAB facilities and the GALILEI Group, we support the realization of ideas that create new value.
The salon is a place for MILAB Office tenants and GALILEI Group employees to meet and exchange ideas. Here in this comfortable space, people can relax and hold meetings during their breaks. This is a place where a diversity of people and technologies can meet, an innovation base where new future for food is being created.
These laboratories conduct trial runs of prototype products that are still in development, reviewing them from various perspectives. In the Environmental Testing Laboratory, installation environments are recreated and evaluations are carried out based on anticipated actual operating conditions. The laboratory also conducts product-related workshops and is used as a place for improving product design and functionality from various perspectives.
8FA cafeteria that brings together GALILEI's devices and knowledge
MILAB Cafeteria
This employees' cafeteria prepares and provides meals using equipment and systems made by the GALILEI Group and kitchen equipment manufacturers. Here it is possible to experience the operation and function of various types of software such as HACCP management incorporating temperature control systems or cashless settlement systems. Here you can also find healthy meals created for employees with the focus on ideas for enjoying food. This cafeteria will be created by all GALILEI Group employees in order to achieve the highest user satisfaction levels in Japan.
As “Team GALILEI”, the GALILEI Group will work together as one to resolve any problems that customers may encounter as well as the problems confronting society.
In the food supply chain from upstream inputs to the downstream processes of production and distribution, completely new innovations that lead the market are being introduced
In 2019, having built up a history of 68 years, the FUKUSHIMA Group changed its corporate name to GALILEI, symbolizing the making of a fresh start. Furthermore, the new Corporate Headquarters—positioned as a “Third Factory” connecting people and creating knowledge and expertise—has also been completed, enabling all the Group companies to make a new start together as a unified group under the “GALILEI brand”.
In recent years, the business sphere of the entire GALILEI Group has broadened tremendously, and our business potential is expanding more and more through our original “cold chain”, which enables total support for all stages of the upstream and downstream food production chain. Amid this growth, the value that we provide continues to be supported by our unique “cooling technology” that is our main point of difference, and we will continue to be a technology-orientated company moving forward into the future.
The brand name GALILEI is inspired by and derived from the great Galileo Galilei, who defied the conventional wisdom of his own time. Behind his resolute endeavors to defend the verity of his views, despite being treated as a heretic and persecuted by the Church, he must have had the philosophical stance of “creating something from nothing”. We in the GALILEI Group also have a philosophy of not conforming to conventional thinking, and we aspire to being an entity that creates completely new things.
Introducing completely new innovations to lead the industry. By continuing to take on challenges with an indefatigable spirit as well as through “food”, the most essential element for life, the GALILEI Group will continue to generate “happiness” for consumers.
Yutaka Fukushima, CHAIRMAN & CEO
Interview with the PRESIDENT & COO
Towards the creation of a unique, one-and-only brand that continues to take on challenges while breaking out of conventional frameworks
Without being a slave to conventional thinking or ideologies, we want to create our own brand with our own hands from the ground up. This is why we decided to change the name of our corporate group.
For us, GALILEI is the “banner” that will unite our thinking and strengthen the group's solidarity. This new name that we have taken in honor of Galileo Galilei is imbued with our strong resolve to always aspire to improve, without becoming complacent about the current situation, to perpetually take on challenges, and continue to grow and expand. Moreover, our newly adopted brand message “Be cool, Be alive” succinctly condenses our missions, which have spread across a broad range of business fields. Centered on the “cool” technology that is our company's DNA, this brand message expresses our mission and pride at being involved in people's lives through food—being and staying “alive”—and our commitment to the global environment. That is to say, in using the term “Be alive”, we mean more than simply keeping food fresh.
In the past, each member company of our corporate group has endeavored to provide value in their respective fields. It is precisely because we have the solid foundation of our long history forged with devotion over many years that the company has been able to take its current GALILEI form, and moving forward, we intend to further synergize and utilize these strengths, evolving our business even further towards total solutions that only GALILEI can provide.
Breaking out of conventional frameworks, GALILEI aims to be a unique business group that generates new value that gets people excited.